Action Buddy and Ridesharing

Action Buddy is a new program to help Indivisible Austin members identify buddies with whom they can attend actions and meetings, and to find or offer rides to events. Many people feel shy about attending an action or a meeting by themselves, and many people need rides or would like to carpool. Action Buddy can help you connect!

The easiest way to participate is to join and post to our Facebook group IATX Action Buddy.

However, if you are not on Facebook, you may send an email to:

We will post to the group for you and email you back with any replies you get. It is your responsibility to make the connection from there.


  1. Please include your name, email address, the part of town you live in, and the action you’re hoping to attend.
  2. This information will be posted in our closed group on Facebook, which means that only other group members can see it (your email address will not be posted—we will connect you to interested parties privately).
  3. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for your requests.
  4. Please note that this is a free, volunteer-run service designed to connect you with potential buddies/drivers/riders. Participation is at your own risk, and IATX takes no responsibility for your safety or for getting you a ride.

Happy resisting!